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All kings and all theyr fauourits [298]
All glory of honours beautyes witts
The Sunn it selfe wch. makes times as these* passe
Is elder by a yeare now then it was
When thou and I first one another saw
All other things to theyr destruction drawe
Onely our love hath no decay
This, No tomorrow hath, nor yesterday.
Running it never runns from vs away
But truely keepes the first, last, everlasting day
Two Graues must hide thine and my coarse
If one might, death were no diuorce.
Alas, as well as other princes, wee
(Who Prince enough in one another bee)
Must leaue at last in death these eyes and eares
Oft fedd with true oaths, and with sweete-salt teares
But soules where nothing dwells but loue
(All other thoughts beeing inmates) then shall proue
This or a loue encreased there aboue
When bodyes to theyr Graues, soules from theyr Graues remoue
And then wee shall bee throughly blest
But wee not more then all the rest
Heere vpon Earth w'are kings, and none but wee,
None ar* such kings nor of such subiects bee.
Who is so safe as wee, where none can doe
Treason to vs except one of vs two?
True and false feares let vs refrayne
Let vs loue nobly and liue, and add agayne
Yeares and yeares vnto yeares, till wee attayne
To write threescore. This is the second of our raigne

[CW: Some__]