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I can loue both fayre and browne [297]
Her whome abundance melts, and her whome want betrays
Her who loues lonenesse best, and her who maskes and plays
Her whome the Country form'd and whome the Towne
Her who beleeues, and her who tryes
Her who still weepes with spungy eyes
And her who is dry Corke and never cryes
I can loue her and her, and you and you
I can loue any, so shee bee not true
Will no other vice content you,
Will it not serue yor turne to doe as did yor mother?
Haue you old vices spent and now would find out other?
Or doth a feare that men are true torment you?
Oh |wee| are not, bee not |you| so
Let |mee| and doe |you| twenty knowe
Robbe mee but bind mee not and let mee goe
Must I wch. came to trauell thorough you
Growe yor fixt subiect because you are trew?
Venus heard mee sigh this song
And by Loues sweetest part, variety, shee swore
Shee heard not this till now, And it should bee no more
Shee went, examind, and returnd e're long
And sayd, Alas, some two or three
Poore Heretiques in loue there bee
wch. thinke t'establish dangerous constancy
But I haue told them, since you will bee true
You shall bee true to them who are false to you.|

[CW: All kings]