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Goe and catch a falling starre [296]
Get with child a Mandrake roote
Tell mee where all past yeares are
or who cleft the deuills foote
Teach mee to heare Mermayds singing
Or to keepe of Envyes stinging
And find
what wind
Serves to advance an honest mind
If thou beest borne to strange sights
Things invisible to see
Ride ten thousand dayes and nights
Till Age snowe white hayres on thee
Thou at thy returne wilt tell mee
All strange things that e're befell thee
And sweare
no where
Liues a woman true and fayre
If thou findst one, let mee knowe
Such a pilgrimage were sweete
Yet doe not for I would not goe
Though at next dore wee might meete
Though shee were true when you mett her
And last so till you write yor letter
Yet shee
Will bee
ffalse ere I come to two or three

[CW: I can]