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The Extasy
Where like a pillow on a bedd, [277]
A pregnant bank swelld vp, to rest
The Vyolets reclining head
Sate wee two, one anothers best
Our hands were firmly cimented
By a fast balme w.ch thence did spring
Our eye beames twisted, and did thread
Our eyes vpon one double string
So to engraft our hands, as yet
Was all our meanes to make vs one
And Pictures on our eyes to get
Was all our propagation.
As t'wixt two æquall Armyes, fate
Suspends vnæquall* victory:
Our Soules, wch to aduance our state
Were gon out, hung twixt her and mee
And while our Soules negotiate there
Wee like Sepulchrall Statues lay
All day the same our postures were
And wee sayd nothing all that day
If any, so by loue refind
That hee Soules language vnderstood
And by good Love, were growne all mind,
Within convenient distance stood

[CW: Hee though___]