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Ayre and Angels
Twice or thrice had I lou'd thee [275]
Before I knewe thy face or name
(So in a voyce, so in a shapelesse flame
Angels affect vs oft, and whorshipd bee.)
Still when to where thou wert I came
Some louely glorious Nothing I did see
But, since my soule, (whose child Loue is,)
Takes lim̄s of flesh, and else could nothing doe:
More subtill then the parent is
Loue must not bee; but take a body too
And therefore what thou wert and who
I bidd Love aske, and now
That it assume thy body I allow
And fixe it selfe in thy Lipps eye, and browe
Whilst thus to ballast Loue I thought
And so more steadily to haue gon
With waues w.ch would sinke Admiration
I saw I had Loues Pinnace overfraught
Every thy hayre for Loue to worke vpon
Is much too much, some fitter must bee sought
ffor, nor in Nothing, nor in things
Extreame and Scattering-bright can Love inhere.
Then as an Angell face and wings
Of Ayre, (not pure as it, yet pure) doth weare:
So thy Loue may bee my Loues spheare.
Iust such disparity
As is twixt Ayre and Angels purity
Twixt woemens Loues and mens will ever bee

[CW: J fixe]