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When I dy'd last, (and deare I dye [261]
As often as from thee I goe
Though it bee an hower agoe
(And Louers howers bee full eternity)
I can remember yet, that I
Somthing did say, and somthing did bestow
Though I bee dead, w.ch m*ent mee, I should bee
Mine owne Executor and Legacy
I heard mee say, Tell her anon
That my selfe (that is, you, not I)
Did kill mee, and when I felt mee dye
I bidd mee send my hart when I was gon
But alas I could there find none
When I had rippd, and searchd where hearts should \lye
It killd mee agayne, that I, who still was true
In life, in my last will should cozen yo.u.
Yet I found something like a hart
But colours it, and Corners had
It was not good, it was not badd
It was entire to none, and few had part.
As good as could bee made by Art
It seemd, and therefore (for our losses sadd)
I thought to send that heart instead of mine
But, oh, no man could hold it, for t'was thine

[CW: Hee is___]