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Ad Solem. To the Sunne
Buisy old foole, vnruly Sunn [260]
Why dost thou thus
Through windowes and through curtaynes call on vs?
Must to thy motion Lovers seasons runn?
Sawcy Pedantique wretch goe chide
Late Schooleboyes, and fowre-prentises
Goe tell Court huntsmen that the king will ride
Call Country Ants to haruest offices
Loue, all alike, no season knowes nor clime
Nor howres, dayes, months, wch ar the raggs of time
Thy beames so reverend and strong
Dost thou not thinke
I could eclipse and clowd them with a winke
But that I would not loose her sight so long?
If her eyes haue not blinded thine
Looke, and to morrow late tell mee
Whether both Indyas of Spice and Mine
Bee where thou leftst them, or lye here with mee
Aske for those kings w.ch thou sawst yesterday
And thou shalt heare All heere in one bedd lay
Shee is all States, and all Princes I
Nothing else is
Princes do but play vs, compard with this
All Honour's mimick, all wealth Alchimy
Thou Sunne art halfe as happy as wee
In that the world's contracted thus
Thine Age askes ease, and since thy dutyes bee
To warme the world, Thats donne in warming vs
Shine heere to vs, and thou art every where
This bedd thy Center is, these walls thy Spheare

[CW: When I]