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Some that haue deeper diggd Loues mine then I
say where his Centrique happinesse doth lye
I have lov'd, and gott, and told
But should I loue, gett, tell, till I were old
I should not find that hidden mystery.
Oh tis Imposture all
And as no Chymick yet th' Elixar got
But glorifies his pregnant pott
If, by the way, to him befall
Some odoriferous thing or medcinall
So Louers dreame a rich and long delight
But get a winter seeming sum̄ers night
Our ease, our Thrift, our Honor and our daye
Shall wee for this vayne shadowes bubble pay?
Ends loue in this, that my Man
Can bee as happy as I can, if hee can
Endure the short scorne of a Bridegromes play?
That louing wretch that sweares
Tis not the bodyes marry, but the mindes
Wch hee in her Angelique findes
Would sweare as iustly that hee heares
In that dayes rude hoarse Minstrelsy, the Spheares
Hope not for mind in woman, at theyr best
Sweetnesse and witt, th'are but Mum̄y possest

[CW: Blasted.]