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Sonnets and Songs
Vpon the parting from his M.rs
Valediction . | .
As vertuous Men passe mildly away [245]
And whisper to theyr soules to goe
Whilst some of theyr sadd frinds doe say
The breath goes now, and some say No
So let vs melt and make no noyse
No Teare-floods, nor Sigh-tempests moue
T'were prophanation to our Ioyes
To tell the Layty of our Loue.
Mouings of th' earth cause harmes and feares
Men recken what it did and ment
But Trepidation of the Spheares.
Though greater far is innocent
Dull Sublunary Louers loue
Whose soule is sense, cannot admitt
Absence, because it doth remoue
Those things w.ch elemented it
But wee by loue so much refind
As our selues knowe not what it is
Inter-assured of the mind
Care lesse eyes lipps and hands to misse
Our two Soules, then, wch ar but one
Though I must part, endure not yet
A breach, but an expansion
As Gold to ayry Thinnesse beate.

[CW: If]