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To M.r S. B.
O Thou, w.ch to search out the secret parts [218]
Of th'India, or rather Paradise
Of knowledge, hast with courage and Aduise
Lately launchd into the vast Sea of Arts
disdayne not, in thy constant trauelling
To doe as other voyagers, and make
Some Turnes into lesse Creekes, and wisely take
ffresh water at the Heliconian Spring
I sing not Syren-like to tempt, for I
Am harsh, nor as those Schismatiques with you
W.ch drawe all witts of good hope to theyr crue
But seene in yor bright sparks of Poetry
I, though I brought no fewell, had desire
With these articulate blasts to blow the fire
To M.r T. L.
Of that short rolle of frinds writt in my heart
Which with thy name begins, since theyr depart,
Whether in th'English Prouinces they bee,
Or drinke of Po Sequan or Danuby
There's none that sometimes greets vs not, And yet
Yor Trent's Lethe, that past, vs you forget
You doe not dutyes of Societies
If from th'embrace of a lov'd wife you rise
View yor fatt beasts, wretchd Barnes and labo.ed fields
Eate, play, ride take all Ioy w.ch All day yeelds
And then agayne to yor embracements goe
Some howers on vs yor frinds, and some bestow
Vpon yor muse, else, both wee shall repent
I, that my loue, shee her gifts on you ar spent

[CW: If as___]