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Her Vertues doe as to theyr proper spheare [209]
Returne to dwell with you of whome they were.
As perfect motions are all circular
So they to you the* sea whence all* streames are.
Shee was all spices, you all mettalls, so
In you two wee did both rich Indyes know.
And as no fire nor rust can spend nor wast
One dram̄ of gold, but what was first shall last
Though it bee forc'd in water, earth, salt, Ayre
Expansd in infinite none will impayre:
So to your selfe you may Additions take
But nothing can you lesse or changed make
Seeke not, in seeking new, to seeme to doubt
That you can match her, or not bee without
But let some faythfull booke in her roome bee
Yet but of Iudith no such booke as shee
To the Lady Cary and her sistr
M.rs Essex Rich, From Amiens
Heere where by all, all Saynts invoked ar
It were too much Schisme to bee singular
And 'gaynst a practise generall to warr
Yet turning to saynts, should my humility
To other saynts then you directed bee
That were to make my Schisme Heresy
Nor could I bee a Conuertite so cold
As not to tell it. If this bee too bold
Pardons are in this market cheaply sold

[CW: Where___]