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Goe thither still, goe the same way you went [193]
Who ere would change, do couet or repent.
Neyther can reach you. Great, and Innocent.
To the Countesse of Bedford.
You haue refin'd mee, and to worthiest things,
Vertue, art, beauty, fortune; Now I see
Rarenesse, or vse, not nature, valew brings
And such as they ar circumstanc'd they bee
Two Ills can ne're perplex vs sinne t'excuse
But of 2 good things wee may leaue and choose
Therefore at Court, wch is not Vertues Clime,
Where a transcendent heigth, (as lownesse mee)
Makes her not bee, or not shew, all my Rime
Yor vertues challenge w.ch there rarest bee
ffor as dark Texts neede notes, some, there, must bee
To vsher vertue, and say, This is shee.
So in the Country is beauty. To this place
You ar the season, Madame, you the day
Tis but a graue of Spices till yor face
Exhale them, and a thick close budd display
Widdowd and reclus'd else her sweets she inshrines
As China when the Sunn at Brasile dines.

[CW: Out___]