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Letters to Seuerall
To S.r Henry Goodyeere mouing
him to trauell.
Who makes the past a patterne for next yeere [189]
Turnes no new leafe, but still the same thing reads
Seene things hee sees agayne, heard things hee heares
And makes his life but as a payre of beads
A Pallace when tis that w.ch it should bee
Leaues growing, and stands such, or else decayes
But he w.ch dwells there is not so, for hee
Seemes to vrge vpward, and his fortunes rayse.
So had yor body her Morning, hath her noone
And shall not better, her next change is night
But her fayre larger guest, to whome Sunn and Moone
Are sparks and short liu'd, claymes another right
The noble soule by Age growes lustyer
Her Appetite and her digestion mend
Wee must not sterue nor hope to pamper her
With woemens milke and papp vntill her end
Prouide you manlyer dyet, you haue seene
All Libraryes, w.ch ar Schooles lamps, and corts
But aske your garners if you haue not bin
In haruest too indulgent to yor sports

[CW: Would___]