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Hee that cannot chuse by loue
And striues agaynst it still
Never shall my fancy Moue
ffor he loues 'gaynst his will.
Nor hee wch. is all his owne
And can all pleasure choose
When I am caught hee can bee gon
And when hee list refuse.
Nor hee that loues none but fayre
ffor such by all ar sought
Nor hee that can for fowlenesse care
ffor his Iudgement is naught
Nor hee that hath witt, for hee
Will make mee his Iest or slaue
Nor a foole, for when
Hee can neyther want nor craue
Nor hee that still his Mistresse payes
ffor shee is thrall'd therefore
Nor hee that payes not, for hee sayes
Within, shee's worth no more
Is there then no kind of men
whome I may freely proue?
I will vent that humor then
In mine owne selfe-loue

[CW: Not that___]