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Shee floutes her channell, w.ch thencforth growes drye [120]
Then, say I, That is shee, and this am I.
Yet let not thy deepe bitternesse beget
Carelesse dispayre in mee, for that will whet
My mind to scorne, and ô Loue dulld with payne
Was ner'e so wise or well armd as disdayne.
Then with new eyes I shall suruay thee, and spie
Death in thy cheekes and darkenesse in thine eye.
Though hope breede fayth and loue, thus taught, I shall
(As nations doe from Rome) from thy loue fall
My hate shall outgrowe thine, and vtterly
I will renounce thy dalliance, and when I
Am the Recusant, in that resolute state
What hurts it mee to bee excom̄unicate?|
Elegie. 5.|
Natures lay Idiot I taught thee to loue
And in that sophistry, ô, thou dost proue
Too subtill a Foole, Thou didst not vnderstand
The mistick language of the eye or hand
Nor couldst thou iudge the difference of the Ayre
Of sighs, and say, this lies, this shewes* dispayre
Nor by th'Eyes water knowe* a malady
Desprately hot or changing feauerously
I had not taught thee then the Alphabet
Of flowers how they deuisefully beeing set
And bound vp, migtht with speechelesse secrecy
Deliuer errands mutely and mutually

[CW: Remēbr__]