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Diuine Poems.

ffather of Heauen, and him by whome [1]
It and vs for it, and all else for vs
Thou mad'st and gouernst, ever, come
And re-create mee now growne ruinous
My hart is by deiection clay
And by selfe-murder redd
ffrom this redd earth ô father purge away
All vitious tinctures, that new fashioned
I may rise vp form death e're I am dead.
O Sonne of God, who seeing two things
Sinne, and death crept in w.ch were never made
By bearing one trydst with what strings
The other would thy heritage invade
Ô bee thou nayld vnto my heart
And crucifyd agayne
Part not from it, though it from thee would part
But let it bee by applying so thy payne,
Drown'd in thy bloud, and in thy passion slayne

[CW: O holy___]