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Who was Gods partner here, and furnish'd thus
Half of that sacrifice which ransom'd us?
Though these things as I ride be from mine eye,
They're present yet unto my memory,
For that looks towards them; and thou look'st towards me,
O Saviour, as thou hangst upon the tree;
I turn my back to thee, but to receive
Corrections till thy mercies bid thee leave.
O think me worth thine anger, punish me,
Burn off my rust, and my deformity,
Restore thine Image, so much by thy grace,
That thou maist know me, and I'll turn my face.
The Father.
Father of Heaven, and him, by whom
It, and us for it, and all else, for us
Thou mad'st and govern'st ever, come,
And re-create me, now grown ruinous:
My heart is by dejection clay,
And by self-murder, red.
From this red earth, O Father, purge away
All vicious tinctures, that new fashioned
I may rise up from death, before I'm dead.

[CW: II.]