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Your treasure, for since I had never known
Vertue and beauty, but as they are grown
In you, I should not think or say they shine,
(So as I have) in any other Mine;
Next I confess this my confession,
For, 'tis some fault thus much to touch upon
Your praise to you, where half rights seem too much
And make your minds sincere complexion blush.
Next I confess my 'mpenitence, for I
Can scarce repent my first fault, since thereby
Remote low Spirits, which shall ne'r read you,
May in less lessons find enough to do,
By studying copies, not Originals,
Desunt cætera.
A Letter to the Lady Carey, and Mris Essex Riche,
from Amyens.
Here where by All, All Saints invoked are,
'Twere two much schism to be singular,
And 'gainst a practice general to war.
Yet turning to Sanicts, should my'humility
To other Sainct than you directed be,
That were to make my schism heresie.
Nor would I be a Convertite so cold,
As not to tell it; If this be too bold,
Pardons are in this market cheaply sold.

[CW: Where]