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But maist thou wish great things, and them attain,
As thou tell'st her, and none but her my pain.
To E. of D. with six holy Sonets.
See Sir, how as the Suns hot masculine flame
Begets strange creatures on Niles durty slime,
In me, your fatherly yet lusty Ryme
(For, these songs are their fruits) have wrought the same;
But though the ingendring force from whence they came
Be strong enough, and nature doth admit
Seven to be born at once; I send as yet
But six; they say, the seventh hath still some maim;
I choose your judgment which the same degree
Doth with her sister, your invention, hold,
As fire these drossie Rhymes to purifie,
Or as Elixar to change them to gold;
You are that Alchymist which always had
Wit, whose one spark could make good things of bad.
To Sir Henry Wotton, at his going Ambassadour
to Venice.
After those reverend papers, whose soul is
Our good and great Kings lov'd hand and fear'd name,
By which to you he derives much of his,
And (how he may) makes you almost the same,
A Taper of his Torch, a copie writ
From his Original, and a fair beam
Of the same warm, and dazelling Sun, though it
Must in another Sphere his vertue stream.

[CW: After]