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To your eyes, ears, and taste, and every part,
If then your body go, what need your heart?
Well, then stay here: but know,
When thou hast staid and done thy most,
A naked thinking heart, that makes no show,
Is to a woman but a kind of Ghost:
How shall she know my heart: or having none,
Know thee for one?
Practise may make her know some other part,
But take my word, she doth not know a heart.
Meet me at London, then,
Twenty dayes hence and thou shalt see
Me fresher, and more fat, by being with men,
Then if I had staid still with her and thee.
For Gods sake, if you can, be you so too:
I will give you
There to another friend, whom we shall find,
As glad to have my body as my mind.
The Primrose, being at Mountgomery Castle, upon
the hill, on which it is situate.
Upon this Primrose hill,
Where, if heaven would distill
A showre of rain, each several drop might go
To his own Primrose, and grow Manna so:
And where their form, and their infinitie
Make a terrestrial Gallaxie,
As the smal starres do in the skie:
I walk to find a true Love; and I see
That 'tis not a meer woman, that is she,
But must, or more or less than woman be,

[CW: Yet]