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May he dream Treason, and believe, that he
Meant to perform it, and confess, and die,
And no record tell why:
His sons, which none of his may be,
Inherit nothing but his infamy:
Or may he so long Parasites have fed,
That he would fain be theirs, whom he hath bred,
And at the last be circumcis'd for bread.
The venome of all stepdames, gamesters gall,
What tyrants, and their subjects interwish,
What Plants, Myne, Beasts; Fowl, Fish,
Can contribute, all ill which all
Prophets, or Poets spake; And all which shall
Be annex'd in schedules unto this by me,
Fall on that man; For if it be a she,
Nature before-hand hath out-cursed me.
The Message.
Send home my long straid eyes to me,
Which (oh) too long have dwelt on thee,
But if they there have learn'd such ill,
Such forc'd fashions,
And false passions,
That they be
Made by thee
Fit for no good sight, keep them still.
Send home my harmless heart again,
Which no unworthy thought could stain,
But if it be taught by thine
To make jestings

[CW: Of]