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Thus I reclaymed my bussard love, to fly [f. 104v]
At what, and when, and how, and where I chuse
Now neglegent of sporte, I lye
And now, as other fawkners vse,
I spring a mistres, sweare, write sigh and weepe,
And the game kild, or lost, goe talke, and sleepe.|.
The Will.
Before I sigh my last gaspe, lett me breath
(Great loue) some legacies. Here I bequeath
Mine eyes to Argus, if myne eyes can see,
If they be blinde, then loue I give them thee,
My tongue to fame; To the Embassadors* mine ears;
To women or the sea, my teares,
Thou, love, hast taught me, heretofore
By making me serve her, who had twenty more,
That I should give to none but such, as had to much before.|
My Constancy I to the plannets give,
My truith to them, who at the Court doe live,
Mine Ingenuity, and opennes
To Iesuites; To Buffones my pensivenes
My silence to any, who abroad hath bin,
My Money to a Capuchin,

[CW: Thou]