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Only to lock vp, or else to lett them fall? [f. 97v]
Good is not good vnless
A thousand it possesse
But doth wast with greedines.|
The Dreame
Deere love, for nothing less then thee,
Would I haue brooke this happy dreame
It was a theame
For reason much to strong for fantasie,
Therefore thou wakedst me wisely; yett
My dreame thou brokst not, but continewedst it,
Thou art so truth, that thoughts of thee suffice
To make dreames truth, and fables histories.
Enter theis Armes, for since thou thoughest it best
Not to dreame all my dreame, letts doe the rest.|
As lightnings or a Tapers light
Thine eyes, and not this noise wakd me,
Yett I thought thee
(Thou lovest truth) but an Angell at first sight,
But when I sawe thou sawest my harte,
And knewest my thoughts, beyond an Angels Arte,
When thou knewest what I dreamt, when thou knewest when

[CW: Excess]