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Zexzes strange Lydian love, the Platane tree [f. 92]
Was loved for age, none being so large as shee.
Or else because being younge, nature did bless
Her youth with ages glory, barrennes.
If we love thinges longe sought; age is a thinge
Wch we are fifty yeares in compassinge,
If transitory thinges, wch soone decay,
Age must be loueliest at the latest day.
But name not winter faces, whose skinne is slack
Lanke as an vnthriftes purse, but a soules sack,
Whose eyes seeke light within; for all here is shade
Whose mouthes are holes, rather worne out then made,
Whose every tooth to a severall place is gone,
To vexe their soules at Resurrection.
Name not theis living deaths heades vnto me,
For theis not ancient but antique be.
I hate extreames, yet I had rather stay
Wth tombes then Cradles, to weare out a day.
Since such loves naturall lation is, May still
My love descend, and journey downe the hill,
Not panting after growing beauties, soe
I shall ebb on with them, who homewardes goe.|
Blasted wth sighes, and surrounded wth teares
Hither I come to seeke the springe

[CW: And]