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Or lett theis two themselues, not me decay, [f. 89]
So shall I live thy stay, not tryumph be,
Then least thy love hate, and me thou vndoe
O lett me live, oh love, and hate me too.|
All Kinges, and all their favorites,
All glory of honors, bewties, witts,
The sunne it self, wch makes tymes as they pass
Is elder by a yeare, now, then it was,
When thou and I first one another sawe,
All other thinges, to their destruction drawe,
Only our loue hath noe decay,
This noe to morrow hath, nor yesterday;
Running, it never runs from vs away,
But truly keepes the first, last, everlasting day.|
Two graves must hide thine and my Coarse
If one might, death weare noe divorse,
Alas, as well as other princes, we,
(Who Prince enough in one another be)
Must leave at last in death, theis eyes, and eares,
Oft fed wth true oathes, and with sweet salt teares:
But Soules where nothing dwells but love
(All other thoughts being Inmates) then shall prove

[CW: This]