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Ad Solem
Busy old foole, vnruly sonne* [f. 81v]
Why dost thou thus
Through windowes and Curtens* call on vs?
Must to thy motions, lovers seasonns runne?
Sawcy pedantique wretch, goe Chide
Late schoolboies, and sowre prentices.
Goe tell courte hunsmen,* that the king will ride,
Call Country Ants, to harvest offices.
Love all alike, noe season knowes, nor clime,
Nor houres, daies, moneths, wch are the rags of tyme.|
Thy beames so reverend and stronge
Why shouldst thou thinke?
I Could ecclipse, and cloud them wth a winck
But yt I would not loose her sight so longe;
If her eyes haue not blinded thine
Looke, and to morrow late tell me,
Wheather both Indyes of spice, and mine
Be wheare thou lefts them, or lie here wth me.
Aske for those kinges, whom thou sawest yesterday
And thou shalt heare, All heare in one bed laye.|
She is all states, And all princes I
Nothing else is.

[CW: Princes]