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Except our loue at this noone stay [f. 78v]
We shall new shadowes make the other way
As the first were made to blind
Others, theis wch come behind
Will worke vpon our selues, & blind or eyes.
If once loue fainte, and westwardly decline,
To me, thou falsly thine,
And I to thee myne accon̄s shall disguise,
The morning shaddowes weare away,
But theis grow longer all the day;
But oh, loves day is short, if loue decay:
Loue is a growing , or full constant light,
And his first minute afternoone is night.|
A Valediction.
As vertuous men pass mildely away,
And whisper to their soules to goe,
And some of their sad freinds do say
The breath goes now, & some say noe.|
So lett vs melt and make noe noise
No teare flouds, nor sigh tempest* move,
Twere prophanation of our joyes
To tell the laytie our love
Moving of thearth* brings harmes and feares

[CW: Men]