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At one first blowe, did shiver it as glass.| [f. 78]
Yett nothing Can to nothing fall,
Nor any place be empty quite
Therefore I thinke my brest hath all
Those peeces still, though they be not vnite,
And now as broken glasses show,
A hundred lesser faces, soe
My rags of hart can like, wish, and adore,
But after one such loue, can, loue noe more.|
Stand still and I will read to thee
A lecture, loue, in loves philosophie,
Those three houres, wch we haue spent
In walking here, two shaddowes went,
Along with vs, wch we our selues producd;
But now the Sunne is iust aboue our heads
Wee doe those shaddowes tread.
And to braue Cleernes, all thinges are reducd,
So whiles our infant loue did grow,
Disguises did, and shaddowes flowe
From vs & our Care; But now tis not soe.
That loue hath not attaind the last* degree
Wch is still dilligent, least others see,.|

[CW: Except]