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Come liue wth me and be my love, [f. 76v]
And we will some new pleasures prove
Of golden sands, and Christall brooks
Wth silken lines, and silver hookes.|
There will the river whispering runne
Warmd by thy eyes, more then the sunne
And there the enamourd fish will stay
Begging themselves they may betray;
When thou wilt swimme* in yt liue bath
Each fish wth every channell hath
Will amorously to thee swimme
Gladder to katch thee, then thou him.
If thou to be so seene beest loath
By Sunne or Moone, thou darknest both
And if my self haue leaue to see
I need not their light having thee.|
Lett others freeze with angling reeds
And cutt their leggs, wth shells and weeds
Or trecherously poore fish besett
Wth strangling snare, or windowy nett;
Lett course hold* hands, from slymy nest
The bedded fish in bancks outwrest
Or Curious Traytors, Sleaue-silke flies
Bewitch poore fishes wandring eyes.|

[CW: For.|]