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His spiritt as his fiery pillar, doth [f. 63]
Lead, And his Church as Cloud to one end both;
This Church, by letting theis daies joine, hath showne
Death and Conception in mankind is one.
Or twas in him, the same humillity,
That he would be a man and leave to be;
Or as Creation, he hath made, as God
Wth the last judgment, but one period.
His imetating spouse would joine in one
Manhoods extreames: He shall come, He is gone.
Or as though one blood dropp, wch thence did fall
Accepted would haue served, he yett shed all;
So though the least of his paines, deeds, or words,
Would busy a life, She all, this day affords;
This treasure then, in grosse, my soule vplay,
And in my life retaile it every day. |
The Lettanie.|
The father.
i. Father of heaven, and him by whom,
Itt, and vs for itt, and all else, for vs,
Thou madest, and governst ever, Come
And recreate me, now growen ruinous

[CW: My]