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Simple and farther from Corruption [f. 59v]
Why brookst thou ignorant horse, subjection?
Why dost thou, bull, and bore so seelily
Dissemble weaknes, & by one mans stroke die,
Whose whole kinde, yo:w might swallow, & feed vpon;
Weaker I am, woe is me, and worse then yo:w.
Yo:w have not sinnd, nor need be timerous;
But wonder at a greater wonder, for to vs
Created nature doth theis things subdue,
But their Creator whom sinne nor nature tied;
For vs his creatures; and his foes hath died.
What if this present were the worldes last night?
Marke in my hart oh soule, where thou dost dwell
The picture of Christe crusified and tell
Whether his Countenance can thee affright
Teares in his eyes quench the amasing light
Blood fills his frownes wch from his peirced head fell
And can that tongue adjudge thee to Hell;
Wch prayed forgivenes for his foes feirce spight
No, no; but as in my adolatrie*
I said to all my profane mistresses
Beauty of pitty, foulenes only is

[CW: A]