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Whose fruite thrue death, On else imortall vs, [f. 58v]
If leacherous goates, if serpentes envious
Cannot be damnd; Alas why should I be?
Why should intent, or reason borne in me
Make sins, else equall, in me more heynous
And mercy being easy, and glorious
To god, in his sterne wrath, why threatens he
But who am I, that dare dispute wth thee?
Oh God; oh of thine only worthy blood
And my teares make a hevenly Letheā flood,
And drowne in it my Sinns black memory
That thou remember them, some clayme as debt
I thinke it mercy, if thou wilt forgett.
Death be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadfull, for thou art not soe
For those whom thou thinkest thou dost overthrow
Die not, poore death, nor yett canst thou kill me
From rest, and sleepe, wch but thy pictures be
Much pleasure, then from thee much more must flow,
And soonest our best men wth thee do goe;
Rest of their bones, and soules deliverie
Thou art slave to fate, Chance, kings, & desperate men

[CW: And]