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This new great lesson, thus to study yo:u [f. 54v]
Wch none, not reading others first could doe.
Nor lack I light to read this booke, though I
In a darke caue, yea in a graue doe lye.
For as your fellow Angells, so yo:u doe
Illustrate them, who come to study yo:u.
The first whom we in histories do finde
To haue profest all artes, was one borne blind;
*So though I am borne, without those eyes to live
Wch fortune, who hath none herself, doth give
Wch are fitt meanes to see bright courtes, & yo:u
Yett may I see yo:u thus, As now I doe,
I shall by yt all goodnes haue discernd
And though I burne my library, be learnd.|
Holy Sonnets
La: Corona.
Deigne at my hands this crowne of prayer and praise,
Weaud in my lowe devoute mellancholly,
Thow wch of good, hast, yea art threasury
All-changing vnchangd antient of daies
But do not wth a vile crowne of fraile baies

[CW: Reward]