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Full Nakednes all Ioyes are due to thee. [f. 24]
As Soules vnbodied, bodies vncloat'hd must bee
To tast whole Ioyes. Gemmes, wch yow Weomen vse
Are as Atlantaes Balles cast in Mens veiwes
That where a fooles Eye lighteth on a Gemme
His earthlie Soule maie Covett theires, not them.
Like Pictures, or like Bookes gaie Coueringes, made
For laye-Men are all weomen thus arrayde.
Themselues are mistique Bookes, wch onelie wee
Whome their imputed Grace will dignifie
Must bee revealed. Then since I maie knowe,
As liberallie as to a Midwife showe
Thy self: Cast all, yea this white linnen hence
There is noe pennance, much lesse Innocence
To teach thee I am naked first: Why than
What needs* thou haue more couering then a Man?
Elegie .3d.
Fond Woaman, which wouldst haue thy Husband die,
And yet complainst of his great Iealosie.
If swolne with Poyson, hee lay in his last Bedd
His bodie with a seare-Cloth covered
Drawing his breath, as thick, and short as can
The nimbelest-crotcheting-Musitian
Readie with loathsome Vomiting to spew

[CW: His]