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For from lesse vertue, and lesse beauteousnesse,
The Gentiles fram'd them Gods and Goddesses*
The ravenous earth that now wooes her to be
Earth too, will be a Lemnia; and the tree
That wraps that Christall in a wooden Tombe,
Shall be tooke up spruce, fill'd with diamond;
And we her sad glad friends all beare a part
Of griefe, for all would breake a Stoicks heart.
Eleg. XII.
Vpon the losse of his Mistresses Chaine, for
which he made satisfaction.
Not that in colour it was like thy haire,
For Armelets of that thou maist let me weare:
Nor that thy hand it oft embrac'd and kist,
For so it had that good, which oft I mist:
Nor for that silly old moralitie,
That as these linkes were knit, our love should bee:
Mourne I that I thy seavenfold chaine have lost;
Nor for the luck sake; but the bitter cost.
O, shall twelve righteous Angels, which as yet
No leaven of vile soder did admit;
Nor yet by any way have straid or gone
From the first state of their Creation;
Angels, which heaven commanded to provide
All things to me, and be my faithfull guide;

[CW: To]