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As'twas humility
To afford to it all that a Soule can doe,
So, 'tis some bravery,
That since you would have none of mee, I bury some of you.
The Blossome.
Little think'st thou, poore flower,
Whom I have watch'd sixe or seaven dayes,
And seene thy birth, and seene what every houre
Gave to thy growth, thee to this height to raise,
And now dost laugh and triumph on this bough,
Little think'st thou
That it will freeze anon, and that I shall
To morrow finde thee falne, or not at all.
Little think'st thou poore heart
That labours yet to nestle thee,
And think'st by hovering here to get a part
In a forbidden or forbidding tree,
And hop'st her stiffenesse by long siege to bow:
Little think'st thou,
That thou to morrow, ere that Sunne doth wake,
Must with this Sunne, and mee a journey take.
But thou which lov'st to bee
Subtile to plague thy selfe, wilt say,

[CW: Alas,]