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Salute ye Last & everlasting day, [f. 39v]
Ioye at th'vprising of this Sun, & Sonne
Yea whose true teares, or tribulatione
Hath purely wash'd or burnt yr drossy clay.
Behold ye highest parting hence away
Lightens ye dark clowds wch he treads vpone
Nor doth he by ascending show alone
But first he, & he first enters the way.
Oh strong Ramme wch hast batterd heauen for mee,
Milde Lambe wch wt thy blood hast markd the pathe,
Bright Torche wch shin'st yt I thy wayes may see,
Oh wth thyne owne blood quenche thyne own iust wrathe;
And yf thy holy Spiritt my Muse did rayse
Daingne at my hands this crown of prayer & prayse.