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By Miracles exceeding power of Man [f. 39]
He faythe in Some, envy in some begate
For what meek Spiritts admyre, ambitious hate.
In both affections Many to him ran.
But oh, the worst are most, they will & can
Alas & do, vnto th'immaculate
Whose Creature fate is, now prescribe a fate
Measuring selfe Lifes infinity to a Span.
Nay to an inche; Loe, wher condemned hee
Beares his owne cros wt payne; yet by & by
When it beares him he must beare more, & dy.
Now thou art Lifted vp draw me to thee
And at thy deathe giuing such Liberall dole
Moyst wt one drop of thy blood my dry Soule.
Moyst wt one drop of thy blood, my dry Soule
Shall, though She now be in extreame degree
too stony hard, & yet too fleshly bee
freed by yt drop frō beeing stervd, hard, or foule.
And Life by thy death abled, shall controule
Death whom thy death slew: Nor shall to mee
feare of first or Last Deathe bring Miseree
If in thy Life-booke my name thou'enroule.
fleshe in yt Last Long sleepe is not putrified
But made yt there of wch & for wch t'was;
Nor can by other meanes be purified.
May then Sins Sleepe & Deaths soone frō me pas
That wak'd from both, I againe risen may
Salute ye Last & everlasting day.