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Spitt in my face ye Iewes, & pierce my side, [f. 36]
Buffet, & scoffe, scourge, & crucify mee:
For I haue sin'd, & sin'd: & humbly hee
Wch could do no iniquity hath dyde.
But by my death cannot be satisfy'de
My sins; wch passe ye Iewes impietee:
They killd once an inglorious, but I
Crucify him dayly, beeing now glorifyde.
Oh let me then his strange love still admyre:
Kings pardon, but he bore or punishment.
And Iacob came clothd in vile harsh attyre
But to supplant and wth gainfull intent:
God cloth'd himselfe in vile Mans flesh, yt so
He might be weake inough to suffer wo.
Why ame I by all Creatures wayted on?
Why do the prodigall Elements supply
Life & foode to mee, beeing more pure then I,
Simple, & farther frō corruption?
Why brookst thou ignorant horse subiection?
Why dost thou Bull & bore, so selily
Dissemble weaknes, & by one Mans stroke dy
Whose whole kind you might swallow & feed vpon?
Alas I'ame weaker, wo'is me, & worse then you,
You haue not sin'd, nor neede be timorous.
But wonder at a greater wonder; for to vs
Created Nature doth these things subdue,
But their Creator, whom Sin nor Nature tyed,
For vs his creatures & his foes hath dyed.