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To Mr R: W:|
If as myne is thy life a slumber bee [f. 30v]
Seeme when thou readst these lines to dreame of mee:
Neuer did Morpheus nor his brethren weare
Shapes so like those shapes whom they would appeare
As this my letter is like mee, for it
Hath my name, words, hand, feete, hart, mind, & witt.
It is my deede of guift, of mee to thee,
It is my will, my selfe the legacee.
So thy retyrings I love, yea envy,
Bred in thee by a wise Melancholy
That I reioyce, yt vnto wher thou art
Though I stay here, I can thus send my hart;
As kindly as any inamored Patient
His Picture to his absent love hath sent.
All news I thinke sooner reach thee then mee;
Hauens are heauens, & ships wing'd Angels bee
The wch both Gospell, & sterne threatnings bringe.
Guyanaes haruest is nipt in the Springe
I feare: And wth vs (methinks) fate deales so
As wth the Iewes Guide, God did: He did show
Him ye riche land, but barr'd his entry in.
Ah slownes is or punishment & sin.
Perchance these Spanish busnesses beeing donne
Wch as ye Earth betweene ye Moone & Sonne
Eclips the light, wch Guyana would giue
Or discontinued hopes we shall retriue.
But yf (as all th'All must) hopes smoke away
Is not allmighty Vertu an India?
If Men be Worlds, ther is in euery one
Somthing to'answer in some proportione
All the Worlds riches: & in good Men this
Vertu or formes forme, & or Soule Soule is.|